Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Taco-Matic 9000

Well, since this one is a still a bit unfinished, I'm going to just send my finger-eating monster to Monday Artday for the "favorite food" challenge. It's got all the basic parts there, but it needs a little shading or metallic texture on the surfaces of the contraption, stuff like big fans, lights and dials, and of course, a heavenly glow surrounding each delicious taco.

I'm basically a taco/burrito fiend. I was lucky enough to attend a fine institution of higher learning where you could get Taco Bell on your meal plan if you didn't feel like fried okra, fried cauliflower, or fried zucchini. I loved the concept of the "make your own enormous burrito" places when I went to Chipotle for the first time; unfortunately there were none within hundreds of miles of home at the time. Now I live someplace where a Chipotle recently moved in across the street from Panchero's, which is basically the same thing only with a little better tortilla and like 50 cents cheaper for most stuff. I think Panchero's panicked, because now whenever you get a burrito there they stuff that bastard until it weighs about 3 pounds.

Another fond taco memory is going to Wendy's when they had their salad/BURRITO bar, where for I think $5 you could have all the ground beef soaked in strange orange liquid you could handle, followed by copious amounts of Jello and pudding. Pretty much the only burrito that has every betrayed me is this place in Oxford, Ohio - I forget the name, but their slogan was "Burritos as big as your HEAD!!!" They were as big as your head, but they also made you crap as big as your head within about, let's say, about 30 seconds longer than it takes for you to walk at a brisk pace from there back to a dorm....


Miriam said...

I need one of these

Dudel said...

That's kinda creepy. I mean, bones and all on the cow... just TOSS it right in. O.O

bagalagalaga said...

But if the machine had extra parts to separate out the bones, we'd have to sell the tacos for more than 89 cents!