Monday, May 17, 2010

Special Sauce

Here's my latest comic, as often as I read them I guess it's surprising I've never tried to do a whole 6 panel strip before. I've been reading a couple graphic novels lately like The Alcoholic by Jonathan Ames and Fun House by Alison Bechdel where they write some of their experiences. Experience like homosexual experimentations, hard drugs, and pooping their pants. My story is a little tamer, it's based on a sandwich place I worked at in college, but if you want to assume the characters are having homosexual encounters, doing hard drugs, and pooping their pants behind the scenes, it will make it a little edgier.

I did this completely in Illustrator, even the rough sketches, which wound up being a bit frustrating. It seemed like stuff kept moving between layers without my permission, so disembodied hands were sticking out of counters until I finally figured it out. Next time I'm definitely going to just scan in pictures and color them in Photoshop, it is much easier. For some reason I got really stuck on trying to draw the hands in Frame 4, I almost gave up and went with this:
I'm also going to put this stuff up as my first post on, then I will go ogle all the awesomely rendered creature concept art there.


Dudel said...

Haha, I got you addicted to deviantART.

Don't feel bad. I was the same way... eventually. At first I was kinda like "Who cares?" though.

bagalagalaga said...

I'm a big fan of crazy fantasy art, cool characters and concept art, and deviantART is overflowing with that stuff. It's also overflowing with anime and people's drawings of already popular characters, which isn't quite as entertaining (um, unless it's Yoshi or Brave Little Toaster). I also like drawing tutorials that are way out of my league.