Friday, May 14, 2010

Sketch Blogs

From surfing other blogger sites and people's submissions for Illustration Friday, I've come across a lot of blogs devoted to sketches from artists of all ages and skill levels. Some pro artists blow you away with top quality stuff and a few sketches. But in general, there are two kinds of entries in sketch blogs.......

The Great Artist Who Is Ashamed of Their "Crappy" Art

Hi all, I finished my algebra assignment early and had five minutes left in class so I just made this quick doodle! I know, I know, it sucks, LOL, God's knee looks all retarded and some of the angels are just stupid LOL! I should throw this stupid drawing in the trash but I decided it would be funny to put my terrible picture up on my blog so everyone can laugh at how crappy it is LOL!!!!

The Crappy Artist Who is Very Proud of His Actually Crappy Art
It took a long time, but it was worth it to finally finish my masterpiece "Sir Chaos Conquers Blortho The Dragon King"!!! I redid the fire like 20 times but finally it came out great, I feel like I will get burned if I touch the monitor! For the background, I tried to keep it simple, but I think the 4 realistic rocks and the bird (based on a photo I took of a robin, but I made him green) is enough, any more and it would detract from the main battle. Then, it still didn't seem quite perfect, until I had the idea for LENS FLARES that took it to a whole new level of awesomeness!

Maybe a third category for people where 90% of the entries feature their cat or dog, but they might be either great or mediocre artists as well. I am definitely in the second category, I got the idea for this when I was scanning through someone's blog, where every day they do a "lunchtime doodle" of incredibly creative and realistic monsters that I would have trouble even tracing right.


Dudel said...

I think I'm number two as well... especially since I abuse paint and love it! XD

Actually if you remove the lends flare from number two and take away the "I'm so awesome" the piece has a nice charm to it.

bagalagalaga said...

I try to make it at least entertaining even if the drawing isn't very polished - if I tried to make it look like some of the sketches I see, I could only do one post a season or so.

bagalagalaga said...

Looking at it again gives me a great craving to go watch Trogdor The Burninator!

Trogdor from Homestar Runner

That site is beautiful.

Dudel said...


That's funny!

I only draw when I'm bored while having mediocre "skills" at best... hence fitting into number two.

josh pincus is crying said...

I haven't drawn my cat yet, but I'm not sure which category I fit into.

bagalagalaga said...

Well Josh seems to be able to draw recognizable human beings, but you don't insist that they suck, and no cats, so I guess you've ruined my whole post by being some other category.

MrBibleHead said...

My cat and my dog have both made special appearances. They make me laugh so I try to make others laugh with me. Sometines it's crap.. sometimes it's crappy and sometimes it's crapola. ;O)

bagalagalaga said...

Well Jack, that's ok - just don't let it slide to the level of craptacular or crappitty crap crap.

Alf said...

Fuck No. 2, No. 1 is alot better than anything I could have drawn in 5 minutes. Be proud of your skills

Unknown said...

hope you got better at math